The Power of Meekness

Dear Friends,

One of the most essential and influential character qualities a person can have is humility. Humility is the third character quality that Jesus mentions in his Beatitudes sermon. Jesus says, “Blessed are the 
meek (or, humble), for they will inherit the whole earth” (Matt. 5:5).

One of the greatest temptations in life is to think of ourselves more highly than we should. People often receive praise from friends, coworkers, parents, and or admirers. In my experience, the recognition is often more significant than the reality of the accomplishment, for one reason or another. We can quickly start thinking we are more important than we are.

Recently I read a book written by Bob Iger, the CEO of the Disney Corporation, entitled The Ride of a Lifetime. The book caught my attention because I witnessed a true spirit of humility in him during a recent interview. The work he has done for the Disney Corporation is historic. Bob commented in his book, “You have to approach your work and life with a sense of genuine humility. The success I’ve enjoyed has been due in part to my efforts, but it’s also been due to so many beyond me, the efforts and support and examples of so many others”. His words point to a true spirit of humility in him.

What does it mean for a humble person to be blessed, as Jesus says they will be? For one, people who possess the character quality of humility often experience a promotion. The Bible says, “Humble yourselves under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time” (
1 Peter 5:6). We cannot know for sure when or if a promotion is coming, nor what it will look like. The key is to trust God for His timing. Another blessing that comes from a posture of humility is wisdom. The book of Proverbs gives us insight into this, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom” (Prov. 11:2). Pride and humility are in direct opposition to one another, and a wise person will seek humility. Finally, a humble person attracts God’s favor. No one is entitled to God’s favor. It can’t be anticipated, demanded, or expected. The only thing a person can do is make sure they are in a position to receive it when God decides to give it. Proverbs tells us, “God mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed” (Prov. 3:34).

Perhaps you are in a season where you feel desperate to make something happen in your life. Maybe you are desiring a change in your life, you want an agenda item of yours to be passed, or you wish people would get on board with a new idea you have. I certainly do not have this perfected, and I often get in my own way, but I have learned that there are great and rewarding benefits to a humble spirit.

Lord, I need help being humble. I often get fixated on my need to be right. My insecurities often creep in, and I feel a need to be affirmed and liked by people. Help me maintain a posture of humility in all of my daily actions, primarily my actions that include prayer and hearing Your voice. Amen.

In Christ,
Phil Rasmussen